Podcast Series to share with you my projects, my ideas, my trading lifestyle, my life moments and any other thing, to inspire you to make something great, to make it for the right reason so that you can stand up and tell to people “don’t tell me you can’t”
This is the Podcast:
Five Minutes with The Social Investor – Episode #3
Wasting Money is like Wasting Life
Note: raw sound, low quality recording
Why do I love to make Trading?
- I have the control of my destiny.
- I define my future with my decisions.
- I am the only one responsible of my Balance Account.
There is no one else to blame for my mistakes. No others have to use and abuse my hard work and my effort for their purposes, glorifying themselves and enriching themselves instead of me.
I make my money, because I studied, I suffered, I practiced and I experienced how to make them.
When I started this business I was nothing and I was not able to get profits. The Losses were a frustration and a sadness. But I insisted and I didn’t quit.
Also when some people tried in many ways to make me stop and when some of them insulted me for my ideas or for my way to think about money, I continued to walk on my road.
I make what I do, because I know what I do and I know where I am going.

I say many times:
“Money comes to people who never give up.”
The practice to earn money can become a frustration and desperation for many people, in any marketplace they work. But if people let their fear prevail they get nothing.
Money comes if who believe in something is adaptive and understand what works and what instead is wasting money and resources.
When you are starting a business but also when you go to buy a car, a smart phone, so as a fork or a table, you are investing your life.
For most of the people money is days and hours of the life spent working on something.
Wasting money is like wasting life.
Wasting money is insane, because the days of our life wasted never will come back.
So, think properly about how to use your money and use it for something that is really important.
I love Trading Practice and other businesses. I follow my attitude, my passion and my skills to earn money for myself, for the people around me and to realize projects that can involve other people.
I dedicate my time, my effort to realize something, following what is good for myself and for the others.
I have understood that waste my life is the worst mistake that I can do.
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