Trading defines my lifestyle and my Profitable Forex Strategy is what makes my Fortune. For this purpose, I invested many years of my life in my Trading Education. But this is nothing, indeed there is much more.
I never stop learning and Trading is the business that saved me from the darkness. So, I have all the reasons of the world to never stop to improve and to earn properly.
I still remember when I was a newbie. 10-30 pips in profit much as in loss gave me worries. There was still a long way to go and I did not know anything about Trading yet. Hence, I studied continually and with determination, until exhaustion.
I did not know what was the most Profitable Forex Strategy, that was really going to work for me.
But things change and with time and dedication I built my future. The direct result was those to become a Trading Mentor for the students of Profiting.Me.
The Awareness about Trading
Like everyone else I started to have the trading rudiments looking around for what was available online for free. But of course, I realized that everything easily available was usefulness. This is because any thing available for newbies gives only some details that are not relevant to make money properly. They are nothing. They don’t show where the money are and they don’t explain how to get a part of that money.
The rewards that I get with my trades are not the profit of single investments by trades.
My rewards are the result of several years lived by sufferance, sacrifice and hard work.
Every profit I earn is a Paycheck for all those years of dedication.
When I found my Multimillionaire Trading Mentors, I realized that I had a concrete chance to become a Great Trader.
The real problem that every trader experiences is the lack of the right mindset and attitude.
The money comes changing our mind. It is an important step.
Stop to focus on thoughts that are usefulness, but look for the money. Do it.
With the practice and with the right mindset our efforts will create value. Going forward, repeating and repeating the right things, we will realize that we have become profitable constantly and consistently.
The Profitable Forex Strategy that makes my Fortune
I trade Penny Stocks, Forex, Futures, Listed Stocks and ETFs. Excluding Penny Stocks that I trade with a different approach, I am a Supply and Demand Trader. But I am talking about My Way to use Supply and Demand Trading.
My Supply and Demand Trading is the Profitable Forex Strategy that concretely makes my Fortune. As result, I am here to explain how to, so as why, it works for me, maybe for you too.
For the most of the people, trading is very subjective. Everybody practice trading as he prefers. But only some of them are really profitable, constantly and consistently. Instead, the most of them use to risk trades for a few pips of profit, risking a lot. Maybe also without a specific Trading Plan.
What the most people really forget is that every trade is a risk. Then, the best way is to take only those trades that can give a large reward with an acceptable risk.
I earn a large reward per trade and this is my purpose. Never I risk a trade for a different purpose.
I NEVER risk a Trade to get a few pips of profit.
If I close a trade with 10-50 pips of profit, It means that my Trading Plan has failed.
Not all my trades give the reward that I expect. However, my account grows. This happens because some of the trades that I risk, run for a very large Price Change. Something like 5% or 10% in Price Change.
The largest growth of my account comes from just a very few trades closed properly.
Getting Money by Supply and Demand Trading

Supply and Demand Trading shows where are the best chances to get a reversal trend. This is the most profitable trading strategy. It gives an advantage giving a way to skip everything that is not offering a good entry.
Every reversal point shows the unbalancing between the buyers and sellers. What prevails brand the new trend.
Money comes from trending, not from ranging.
This could sound controversial, because very large price ranges (thousands of pips) show trends. Then, the trends inside them are what pay large rewards. But if the price range is relatively small, it carries only a big risk.
Everybody can make money trading Forex and everybody bases his trading on what he see in the current market.
Nobody is smarter than the market.
But monitoring the current market we can recognize where there is a favorable unbalancing to take a good entry point.
Keep the focus where the money are.
Supply and Demand Trading shows where are the money.
IMPORTANT: I am not telling that know where are the money is enough to earn properly.
What I tell is that understand where are the money is Great. It is a first step to get a profit.
But without a clear comprehension of the Price Action, the trader will fail. It always happens, using any simple Forex system or a difficult one.
I repeat it continually to the students of Profiting.Me, because I recognize that this is the real difficulty they have.
If a trader is looking for an easy Forex System, he can have it and use it. But he must understand that it requires dedication and hard work.
Even the most Profitable Forex Strategy requires hard work and struggle for the long-term.
My way to use Supply and Demand Trading
I use Supply and Demand Trading in a way that is tremendously simple. There is no complication. No usefulness abbreviations, no usefulness indicators. No usefulness divergences or any other thing people tell you add for trading. All these things are trash.
I banish everything that makes lose money and that makes trading concretely tedious.
I base my trading on Price Action, then on Trending and Unbalancing.
But don’t think that be able to recognize the unbalancing makes you profitable. Only the price action can make you profitable consistently and constantly for the long-term.
Price Action is Everything. If you understand it properly, never more you will suffer because the money. NEVER MORE!
Every trader who wants to succeed must understand the Price Action properly so as study with dedication. Period.
All the other things are only Chatting.
Supply and Demand Trading is the most Profitable Forex Strategy as long as you are able to understand Price Action.
If you don’t care about the Price Action, you can add in the chart everything you want. But unfortunately, you are going to fail systematically.
Supply and Demand Trading is a great resource. It shows those entry points with the lowest risk possible so as extreme precision.
But be aware that the Price Action exists because the unbalancing between Supply and Demand willing. Therefore, what define the trending is the prevailing of supply willing or demand willing.
Buyers and Sellers able to set Big Orders are concretely the Market Makers. Supply and Demand Trading shows where their orders are, so where the money are.
Measure the Success by your Trades
Here I show you some important trades of mine and short descriptions about them. As you can see they are very profitable trades, especially considering that I don’t trade with a particular leverage. These trades show you how to measure properly the Success of a Trader. They are a few of very profitable trades so as they show a specific Trading Plan. They make grow the balance account consistently so as they are a great success.
Realized Profit: XAUUSD +5014 pips and +9177 pips
XAUUSD has dropped down strongly. First of all I bought it in the dip with a perfect entry point. I waited 20 days in the consolidation. At the end the price retraced back and then it reached my target. Hence this Buy trade paid me +5014 pips of Realized Profit.
Later, the price completed the retracing back spiking up. The price reached my lowest order, but I missed to set the order to the highest entry. I sold and I had only one trade in sell. As a result, that Sell trade paid me +9177 pips of Realized Profit.
Realized Profit: XPDUSD +385 pips – XAGUSD +118 pips
XPDUSD converged and then it started a price consolidation. I bought a bit high, not the best entry point. I waited a few days patiently and at the end the buyers pushed up the price to my target. As a result, my Buy trade paid me +385 pips of Realized Profit.
XAGUSD has dropped strongly, just like Gold. Then, I bought in the dip with a couple of trades. I closed the highest one with a small profit, letting the lowest one in running for almost 20 days. Then, after the price consolidation the new buyers pushed up the price to my target. As a result, the Buy trade paid me +118 pips of Realized Profit.
Realized Profit: USDMXN +7565 pips – EURCAD +458 pips
USDMXN was retracing back and I had my order ready to catch the end of the retracing. My entry point was perfect. The buyers were waiting for it, then my Buy trade took an advantage of this, rising strongly. As a result, my Buy trade paid me +7565 pips of Realized Profit. In addition, the buyers continued to push up the price marking a new top in the Trading Scenario.
EURCAD has dropped and my Buy order was waiting there for many days. Finally the price converged filling my order, but unfortunately I bought high, Then, It was not a perfect entry. So, the trade followed my Trading Plan and the strong momentum pushed the price up to my target. As a result, my Buy trade paid me +458 pips of Realized Profit.
Consideration about why people lose money
Some reasons about why a newbie Traders lose money:
- Some newbie has still not the right Mindset so as the right Attitude for a good trading.
- Newbies still have not the necessary skills so as the experience to understand properly the Price Action.
- Some people consider trading like Casino, then their mindset is for Gambling but not for Trading.
- Some Traders are so lazy to base their trading on scammers and trading signals.
How to get the right Mindset
Studying with dedication and practicing properly for the long-term everybody can get the right mindset. It is tremendously important because it gives all the necessary to manage the investments in the right way.
Two of the most important things why the right mindset is fundamental are the Trade Sizing and the Risk Management. Then, to Educate the mind to manage the Risk and the Emotions a Sizing Plan is the best way.
Trading is all about Discipline, to apply some important Rules time by time.
The Discipline is what we get having a Sizing Plan and a Growth Plan.
Invest $100 for a 5% of Price Change in reward is different from invest $100.000 for the same reward. Therefore, the mind is not able to manage these 2 investments in the same way. So, there is a Training Process to go forward to $100.000 of investment education the mind:
- Set your Final Goals.
- Then, define your Intermediary Targets.
- Put on your table the Trade Sizes to invest to reach each Target.
- Reach a Target and then Rinse and Repeat.
What is clear now is that the simplicity is the key of every Profitable Forex Trading Strategy. In addition, even if it is simple it will be usefulness if the Trader don’t understand the Price Action. Then, success comes from the understanding of Price Action.
I am not talking about Japanese Candles so as Candlesticks Patterns, that are for “babies”. I am talking about what moves the price so as how and why it is moving.
The simplicity in trading pays large rewards.
Simplicity plus a clear comprehension of Price Action and the right Mindset about trading make a Successful Trader.
It takes time, much as it needs dedication and sacrifice, so as effort and hard work. But at the end, the Price Action pays for everything. It gives money to pay bills, to put food on the table and to pay the school of children. In the same way, all the extra money is a blessing so as a Paycheck for the hard work.
My indelible Truth and Testimony about Trading
This is what I know:
When I had nothing, stress and desperation were always with me. Then, I had to find a way to get out of darkness so as move forward leaving behind everything. I started to make trading, but I had no experience so as I had not the right approach. This means that I was uncertain about many things, until I found out my first Multimillionaire Mentor. Listening him so as studying with dedication his lessons I realized what was not working with my trading. Considering that Money Attracts Money, together with him also other Multimillionaires Trading Mentors gave their contribute to my Trading Education.
Understanding what they repeated continually, I improved my trading practice. In the same way, I changed my mind about the money.
As a result, my account started to grow. Hence, with dedication and determination I changed my life condition, making a large part of my Fortune.
In conclusion, what I tell you is to Study with dedication. This is what people do on Profiting.Me. There is no other way to reach the Financial Freedom. Everybody wants the Financial Freedom so as many of them love the luxury. But never forget to fight for what is really important for your life.
Most of all, my Profitable Forex Strategy is my personal “tool” to build my life. Then, It is the best resource in my hands, so as in my mind, to earn money. It is my skill, so as my ability. “It is my superpower, so as my blessing.”
But alone it is nothing more than this, because my quality trading comes from years of hard work and dedication. Therefore, my life changed.
nikke says
My English is not very well .Did you do intraday trading with 5min chart?your method can useful in daytrading ?and if daytrading your stop-loss?
Girolamo Aloe says
Hi nikke, for my trading analysis I can use different time frames, from the 3-1 month to the 60 minutes charts. I rarely have the need to go lower than 1-hour chart.
My way to trade works in any categorization of trading style. Then, also with the one that you prefer.
I make trading where and when there are favorable circumstances. I invest in anything can give me a consistent reward. But I don’t risk a trade for a few pips of reward. I Never do that.
The stop loss that you want to set must always depend on the trading scenario where you are going to invest and on the risk degree of each entry that this is offering at that moment.
I hope this can help.
Jerome Gaseb says
How do i get your strategy sir?
Girolamo Aloe says
Hi, to get my way to trade, study my Blog Posts, ask questions in my facebook group, Subscribe this website to get notified for any new blog post I publish and to know how to study with me. Let me know if you need more help.
Oluwatosin says
Please I need the links to each an everyone of thelse platforms
Girolamo Aloe says
Hi, to get everything you need, subscribe and later register on https://profiting.me/
Feel free to contact me for any question.
Machado says
Sorry, more complete:
The best I’ve achieved so far was with the FLAT BASE pattern, 90% win-rate, take profit 1%, stop loss 3.9%, time stop 10 days, in 10 years 401 patterns found!
Girolamo Aloe says
The use of the Flat Base Pattern means that you trade the breakout and breakdown of the pattern. So you trade the edges. That’s not enough.
In any case, trading edges you could also include the breaking of the day high or also the 52 weeks high, for day trading.
You should also consider the throwback when the price breaks the edge.
I am not favorable to trade the breaking of the edges in the most of the cases.
Another relevant thing, very important thing, is that you get the 90% of success on trades that pay nothing, only the 1% of profit. I understand that they are automatic trades. But in any case, they need to be reviewed to get a better result.
Every stop loss you take costs to you 4 successful trades that have already realized the profit. This is not good and it needs a changing.
1% of ROI shows that it is a bad trade.
Machado says
The best I’ve achieved so far was with the FLAT BASE pattern, take profit 1%, stop loss 3.9%, time stop 10 days, in 10 years 401 patterns found!
Machado says
Good afternoon,
I am a computer student and I have to make an application that buys and sells stocks and obtains the highest profit possible.
They gave me a Cac40 database with:
What is the best strategy I should follow?
1) Chart useful patterns like flat base, flag, double botttom …
2) Moving averages, SMAx, EMAx …
3) Technical indicators RSI, MACD …
Thank you,
Girolamo Aloe says
Hi, Machado,
Starting from the data you provided, if I have to develop an algorithm for quantitative trading I would not base it on classic patterns. it would not really work easily.
But having data from functions, an easy way is to base the algorithm on such functions and also on edges, considering like a trading scenario the period of time where such functions return their relative data.
Besides, you can combine the functions you have, like averages and indicators or only indicators so as only averages, to get better results.
Such algorithms will return a lot of false positives. But in overall, for a mathematical trading, it will return profits, in my opinion.
It is not really relevant if you get a number of profitable trades that is higher than the wrong trades.
Instead, it is extremely relevant that the algorithm, so as any trader, is right for the 20-30% of the times and for these successful entries it generates a consistent reward.
In this blog post, I show you some rules from a group of Extremely Succesful Forex Traders. They will not help you to make the algorithm technically. But they could give you some ideas:
> http://www.girolamoaloe.com/forex-trading-success-stories/
1 – Your success doesn’t depend on being right more often than you are wrong.
2 – You have to be right for the 20% or 30% of the times.
3 – That 20% or 30% of right trades should give you a consistent return.
4 – Choose a trading size that avoids the forcing out of your position when your timing is inexact.
5 – Preserve your Capital.
6 – Build long-term returns.
7 – Pursue the profits, in an aggressive way, when trades are going well.
8 – Maximize the opportunity when you are right.
9 – Minimize the damage when you are wrong.
10 – The Trading Plan is much more important than the Stop Loss.
In any case, a way to get several and specialistic answers, that could be longer and more explicative than a normal comment, could be the posting of your question on Quora. There you will get much more technical details.
When you will finish your application, let me know how you did it and score you will get for this work 🙂
Kind regards.
Girolamo Aloe