I am happy when I see people who learn from my experience, on my facebook group and fanpage so as on Profiting Me, understanding how I get my profits and how I try to take the best from my mistakes. Smart people can take many things from my Trading Practice, my experience, my results, my mistakes and get a real advantage from them.
This is the case of one member of my Facebook Closed Group focused on Supply and Demand Forex Trading: Mutongoria is his name.
Learning from my Trading Practice
Motungoria is a positive and productive member of the Closed Group. He studies my charts and he tries to understand everything I do in my trading practice. He is not scared to ask questions or to ask opinions about trading opportunities.
I don’t know where he is: country, city. I don’t know his habits, his work, his religion, the social status or where he has studied, what specialization he has or what Goals he has reached in life.
But the most important thing is that he shows to me that he really wants to improve himself and make better in his trading practice.
He said:
Based on your tutorials about supply and demand, I checked from the higher time frames on the monthly, weekly and daily charts and I saw that the demand was high and based on an earlier chart you had posted on the wall, I set a buy order which was executed. I am still learning from you…
Thanks a lot for your trust, Mutongoria.
It is possible to read and add a comment in the discussion just here.
I definitely appreciate the effort and the commitment that he has spent attempting to learn something from my daily Trading Practices.
I give my effort and my dedication to the Premium Members of Profiting Me, sharing with them my full experiences and skills, trying to imprint to their mind the importance to have a Goal to reach in Life by the Trading Practice.
I want Dedicated Students. People with a Goal to reach, pursuing their Goals as Challenge Members of Profiting Me.
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