Podcast Series to share with you, my projects, my ideas, life moments and more to inspire you to make something great and to make it for the right reason.
This is the Podcast:
Five Minutes with The Social Investor – Episode #2
Don’t tell me you can’t – Juan José Méndez Fernández
Days ago I have seen a picture with a very simple quote of Juan José Méndez Fernández. The sentence does not seem so relevant in many contests, but the picture built a very strong contest for the words that he said.
Juan José Méndez Fernández is a Paralympic Spanish Cyclist. He lost the left arm and most of the left leg in a motorcycle crash. This man was able to win several medals in his sports career.
Although he never won a Gold Medal until now, his sports victories are an example about how disabilities and difficulties cannot stop a man who wants to go forward. But instead, they can give an important motivation to find new personal goals to pursue.
The picture shows Juan on his bicycle in a time trial, his right hand on the handlebars, his right foot that is pushing on the pedal.
In the right side of the picture, the quote:
Don’t tell me you can’t.
So strong, so impressive, so motivational sentence:
Don’t tell me you can’t.
I am a Trader, Supply and Demand Forex Trader. I work in this Business for some years now. I can really recognize the immense power of the Juan’ sentence.
if you are Trader like me or if you do any other work, the real difference between a man who gets what he wants and another who says “I can’t” is just how badly he wants to fight for his dream.

I spent a long time in trading practice before to become a profitable trader, experiencing many mistakes that are only a teaching to make better. I felt Frustration, sadness, highs and lows, money burned in the volatility and so on.
Losing money is systematic when you start to learn this business. It happens every time for everybody before to see how to make profits time by time.
This doesn’t mean that my trading practice is perfect. It means that now I know what I do and I do it really better than in past.
The hard work is always repaid.
If you are thinking to become a trader, you have to understand that this business is never static. It is always a learning and improving process and It is so for everybody: newbie or experienced traders.
Your trading grows practicing.
When you try to start something, when you follow your dream, there are always people who try to convince you that you are making a mistake or that you are losing time.
Many times people told me: you are earning nothing, why are you losing time and money? …They were wrong.
Yes, people always try to tell you that you cannot do something.
They simply don’t understand you or they want that you make other things.
But there are also many of them which want just compare themselves with you, with their life, their money, their work, etc. These kinds of persons want simply feel that they are better than you.
The worst people from which I had sermons were the ones that repeated always the same questions and had always the same standard sentences to repeat time by time.
All these things give only anger to who is struggling to reach his personal goal.
What would you answer to them?
I have some examples:
- Who are you to tell me that I can’t do something?
- Show me what you did in life. Show me that you are able to make what I am trying to realize.
- Before to try to teach something to somebody be sure to know what you are telling.

When a person comes to you telling that he cannot make something, it is the fear and the weakness to talk about himself. The fear of losing what he has and the weakness of face the struggle to reach something.
If you are here, just now, telling me “I can’t”, you have already lost before to start.
Learn from Juan José Méndez Fernández. He is an Olympic Athlete and without an arm and a leg he has become a Champion in his sports discipline.
Don’t tell me you can’t. Just DO IT!
Here a Short Clip of the Documentary Unstoppable, focused on Juan José Méndez Fernández and Elisa Cazalla (Mendez’s teammate who had not ridden a bike after cancer caused one of her legs to be amputated).
Elisa Cazalla tells about seeing Juan riding his bike through the streets of the city several years ago, stopping at traffic lights, all with one arm and one leg.
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