My Highest Specialization is Forex Supply Demand Trading. I built my Fortune working hard year by year, improving and refining my Trading Practice. My way to use Supply and Demand Trading is the simplest and the most profitable approach I have for trading. Refining my Trading Practice I threw in the trash all the definitions and usefulness information available around. The most of them give you wrong advice. Any relevant changing in my Trading Practice requires a lot of hard work and dedication on Forex Supply Demand Trading.
Becoming an experienced trader everybody realizes that money comes easily understanding concretely the Price Action.
Experienced Traders build their fortune by scalability, knowing the Price Action properly.
I am a Supply and Demand Trading Mentor for the students of Profiting.Me. But Penny Stocks Trading and Spread Trading are my other specialization branches.
Forex is the most Liquid Market
The Forex Market shows specific peculiarities. The advantage for the traders is that they can adopt a very relaxed trading approach. Experienced Traders know properly how to make trading in a very relaxed way. This is possible because they know what are the special peculiarities of some marketplaces.
When the marketplace is Highly Liquid, the trading practice needs a very low effort.
Then, the Expert Trader earns by a proper Planning and Waiting Patiently.
Forex is the most Liquid Marketplace, then earn money is very easy, even making several mistakes. If I say this, it means that I know it very well.
First of All, the relaxed Trading approach comes from the deep comprehension of the Price Action. In addiction, money comes understanding where and what moves the market.
Second, it is not the volatility from Economic Events that move a Highly Liquid Market.
If I look to Highest Time Frames, the Price Action shows clearly how and where the price changes the behavior. The changing of the direction shows Reversal Points and the Market Makers brand these Pivots. This confirms that the induced volatility doesn’t move the market.
Instead, a real changing of the Price Progression happens by Injections (transactions) of Big Amount of Money in the Market.
Knowing this, every expert trader is able to collect profits time by time, building his fortune, just like I did.
It is not necessary to manage an obese investment fund to make money or to become rich. It is necessary to understand and use the peculiarities of the marketplace, taking advantages from them, working with dedication.
Reversal Points useful for Trading

I don’t need to invest using indicators in my chart that makes me lose money by delayed and false signals. I know where are the money, then I know how to invest.
Of course, there are many Reversal Points in a chart that are concretely visible. It is not always easy to understand which of these Pivots are really relevant and which are usefulness. Instead, looking to Higher Time Frames the Reversal Points in the Trading Scenario become clearer.
But, I am not talking about to look on all the Reversal Points based on Supports and Resistances. Instead, I am talking about what gives a concrete changing in the market. This is really different and It is concretely important for my Trading Practice.
I don’t care about Supports and Resistances in the way they are commonly used. I even don’t use them to set my orders. Surely, the most people who are reading this post don’t agree with what I said. But, every new trader learns to consider Support and Resistance like a Fundamental Resource for Trading. Instead, they are not so.
Every new trader should realize concretely that Resistances and Supports are only Trading Tools mainly subjective.
Forex Supply Demand Trading
A Forex Supply and Demand Strategy takes the Greatest advantage working in the Highly Liquid market. The High Liquidity in the Forex Market makes usefulness the Volatility that the Economic Events induces to the Market. This means that the Induced Volatility doesn’t really affect a Supply and Demand Trading System. Indeed, the Volatility moves the price where big sell orders are waiting for filling.
Therefore, the Induced Volatility favors the Big Orders of Institutional Investors.
In a few words, BCE Speeches, FED Speeches and others have no effect to the real market direction.
Some Reversal Points and Price Consolidations in the Chart are concretely important. These High Pivots and Low Pivots show how to find Supply and Demand unbalance.
I give a strong importance to the Momentum Candles.
Then, I look with particular attention, to those candles that define the beginning of the momentum.
Therefore, I look to where I get a concrete changing of the trend, so as a trend continuation. What I described is a Supply Demand Trading Strategy in its foundations, so as it is visible on Chart.
Supply and Demand Unbalance

Every Reversal Point that the Price Action shows is the prevailing of Supply Demand willing.
This means that there is a Supply or Demand Unbalance where the buyers or the sellers prevail. In this particular situation, the unbalance defines the market direction.
When Buy Orders prevail the price offer rises, so as when the Supply willing prevail the price offer falls.
Making a Trading Plan, the best wholesale price in the Trading Scenario is the most profitable for a Buy Trade. In the same way, the best retail price the Trading Scenario offers is the most profitable for a Sell Trade. Of course, according to the risk that every entry point carries. Indeed, I want to sell when the risk is the lowest possible.
When the risk is the lowest, the trading opportunity is the most profitable that the Trading Scenario offers.
This is possible because the risk degree per trade depends of the Strength of the Unbalance.
This shows why Sell High and Buy Low has a concrete sense and invest in this way is really simple. Instead, Buy or Sell somewhere in the middle carries the highest risk.
All the newbies learn to buy on the breakout or sell on the breakdown. So, the result is that they lose money for the most of the cases.
Breakout and Breakdown in a Highly Liquid Market
The newbies love to buy on the breakout and sell on the breakdown. But the risk is tremendously high in the most of the circumstances.
Of course, Breakdown of a Support and Breakout of a Resistance makes sense for who trade the news. Who is happy with 50 pips of profit, use to trade breakout or breakdown by a catalyst. This is usual for who is waiting for the next Economic Calendar Event.
The catalyst induces volatility in the market. So the price breaks resistance or support and then it spikes. But this doesn’t change the Trading Scenario.
The use of the Catalyst is fundamental to trade Non-Liquid Marketplaces like Penny Stocks. Indeed, I trade Penny Stocks by Catalysts, looking for Contract Winners, Earnings Winners, so as Pump and Dump.
But Forex is Tremendously Liquid. Then, there is not sense to risk a Trade to earn a very low reward.
I have experienced many Trading Scenarios getting good and bad things. What I can say is that opportunities at breakout and breakdown are not the best.
The high risk shows how the oppositions in the price progression can renew and redefine the unbalance, marking new edges.
This is a peculiarity that has a meaning in Supply and Demand Trading Method. Indeed, it is also one of the Supply and Demand Trading Rules.
On Breakout or Breakdown, the price progression can mark a new Pivot in the Price Action. This new Pivot can happen a bit over a Supply, so as under a Demand Level.
Then, the new Reversal Point not necessarily shows a breakout or breakdown. Instead, it can mark a new unbalance and this can happen with any price convergence.
Ranging and Trending
According to my experience and profitability, investing on Forex Supply Demand Trading is the best way. The Extreme Liquidity of the Forex Market makes Supply and Demand Trading Perfect to make money.
Considering that I am able to earn money constantly and consistently, I have enough experience to know what really works. I know very well that I have to set my orders where the money is and not randomly. So, when I risk a trade, I do it to get a large reward.
What I know very well is that I get nothing spending time on Financial Instruments that are not really moving. Then, I know that I never will get good rewards trading a range. Instead, I get the best when a new trend begins.
If a Financial Instrument is not moving, there is no sense to invest on it.
A Price Range never will offer good opportunities and it never will offer low risk trades.
It is really easy to understand that a price range carries high-risk opportunities. So, it is not the best thing to trade where the risk is the highest possible.
Understanding where the momentum begins we get the best opportunities.
Every Price Range shows uncertainty and a choppy behavior. But every Price Range finishes with a Momentum Candle, running for a trend.
Forex Supply Demand unbalance marks the momentum candle.
Newbie Traders
Unfortunately, the newbie traders learn how to trade using the usefulness information they find around. The most famous resources to learn how to trade Forex don’t tell where the money are. So, they share information that doesn’t make earn money properly. They give so many and so usefulness information that all of them collected together could burn in a big bonfire.
In addition, everybody who shows luxury and promises astonishing profits attracts newbies which have no idea of what they do.
The most of the newbie traders don’t think that Trading is a job and that it pretends hard work.
Even, I receive messages from people with a wrong mindset, considering Trading like Gambling. Unfortunately, these people never will be successful. I have to say that there is no way to help them to improve because they don’t want to improve.
They don’t listen to what experienced traders try to explain them. This is why only a few people will be successful in this business. The ones who study with dedication, patience, and determination.
Who really wants to succeed in trading, he will be successful.
Lazy Traders never will be successful.
Forex Supply Demand Trading is very easy for who wants to learn and improve.
One of the biggest mistakes of the newbie traders is to keep the focus only on a single time frame. Usually, a 5-15 minutes time frames. In this way, they never will have a clear view of the Trading Scenario. The Price Action that they have under eyes is only partial. This means that they never will be able to manage trades when the price is blowing away their reference points.
Forex Supply Demand Trading pays tremendously well because Forex is the most Liquid Marketplace. Money comes because the high precision and the low-risk opportunities offered.
I don’t risk a trade to earn a very low reward. When this happens – and it happens – It means that my Trading plan has failed. So, I made a mistake before to set my order.
I don’t risk a trade on breakout or breakdown. I can do it, but I usually don’t do it. This is the result of many years of trading experiences. Improving time by time, it was not more relevant for me to trade a breakout or a breakdown.
I stopped to focus on resistances and supports years ago because I didn’t need them anymore. The unbalance absorb Resistances and Supports and I trade Forex Supply Demand unbalance.
I Trade for living, no for gambling. So, I work to earn money consistently in the best way I can. This means that my focus is always on the lowest risk trading opportunities that the Price Action offers.
My basic daily activity is to look for what is really moving and the biggest rewards come from trending.
My account grows by good trades and scalability. This is the result of many years of dedication.
Because of this, I share my experience with the students of Profiting.Me, helping them to become self-sufficient. They become successful only studying with dedication for the long-term.
So now, let me ask you something:
- How do you Trade?
- What is your Trading Approach?
- On what do you base your Trading Practice?
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