My eToro Career has finished with the end of the 2014. I was part of a Great and Interesting Project, that involved many people, since 2012. I have experienced continue innovations in the services of the company and eToro will release new features and great changes, continually.

We have faced many problems and many difficult. We overcome them, moving the company forward step by step.
My GiroeToro Profile, used for working, will expire soon (company rules). But my old jscmal profile is newly active and it will be my trading resource to make money by eToro.
eToro Services are Great, Cheaper and Very Easy to use. They are the best way to experience trading for people who know nothing about it. I recommend to use eToro for your investment, because I know it very well.
eToro Career – My Personal Experience
I wanted work in the company and I got it.
I was not looking for a job, I simply wanted be in with determination.
I gave to eToro a big effort for the most of the time that I worked there. I have given my contribution over my duties, spending days and nights, with LOVE, Deep LOYALTY and DEDICATION to change some things, to improve and help the Management of many things.
It was an interesting experience in a dynamic environment and with great people.
But when I realized that the company had NO real intention to invest on me and NO real willing to pay me properly for my job, there was a changing.

eToro is a great company, I always had the interest and the willing to focus myself on the grow of the company and new challenges. Now I start new adventures.
In the company there are good persons, I don’t mention their names here, but I had a positive experience and with some of them we experienced together many critical situations.
Then, if you want to have an eToro Career, apply your request. Surely eToro will make you grow and this is great. But don’t expect that eToro would really valorize your efforts in the company. Indeed, if you will give to the company a way to take something from you, from your work and effort, the company will take it.

Working for eToro can give a great power in its specific marketplace.
Thanks eToro for everything, good and bad. But especially for the good ones that left something important to take with us towards the future.
My Personal Recommendation, after a long career by the experiences and the wisdom is very simple:
Work for Yourself, NOT for others. Definitely! Absolutely! Forever!
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