Welcome 2016. I know what kind of year you will be for me. I know what is going to happen in my life and in my Trading Practice during this new year.
My Trading Practice has improved

My Trading Practice has improved a lot in the last years. Now my trading has changed again and I run for opportunities that can give me a Large Reward. I am not more interested to run for a Risk Reward Ratio that is only 3. It is the smallest acceptable for my trades, but now I can run properly for trades with a Risk Reward Ratio that is over 5. Then 5, 6, 7 and Risk Reward ratio 9.
I have the skills to get these high performance by trades that run for hundreds of pips. I have the experiences for them and my Supply and Demand Trading Style is the force that make my Success something real.
With the end of the 2015 I have CLEANED my Account and now I am starting the new year with an amount of money that is definitely very small compared with one that I had in my account at the end of 2015.
Of course,I made a reset in my counters that measure the Account Growth and now I am ready to take and get the Best from the 2016.
My Gratitude to the Universe
I am really Grateful to the “Universe” for the results that I am able to reach today. I always repeat to everybody and I will continue to repeat it until I will breath that
Money comes to people who Never Give Up!
– Girolamo Aloe
The improvements in my trading practice let me think that this new year I could reach a more ambitious FINAL GOAL for the Growth of my Account. An Attractive Highest Goal, according with my Growth Plan.
It is great when the end of year comes and you can bank the money that you earned by Trading. And if you were able to reach your GOAL, the end of the year becomes one of the best moment of the year.
Trading seems easy now and it is really so, after years spent to understand how to do it. After a lot of sufferance and problems.
Today I am Happy and Amazed. Years ago I never thought to reach the targets of today. But I did it, with patience and dedication and willpower.
I feel a Deep GRATITUDE because this.
The Age of Profiting Me

The 2015 has seen the born of Profiting Me, one of the most important projects that I have started in the last years. I am proud of Profiting Me. It helps me to improve my trading and in the same way, it helps everybody who joins to learn my Supply and Demand Trading Practice and improve himself by my trading style and experiences.
If you want to become a Profiting Me Member sign up to Watch my Latest Introductory Webinar or Contact me.
I am happy to see you and teach you how I get my profits by Supply and Demand Trading.
I love Trading Business because It saved my life and because It defines myself and who I am today. I never thought years ago to say it. I never thought to say that I love being a Trader and Investor.
I am a Trader. No, wait. I am not a just Trader. I am a Supply and Demand Trader. I am a Mentor for Investments and Trading Business.
I share with you all I can.
“Find in my Life Experience, the Key to build your future.” – Girolamo Aloe
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