The dedication that I put to my Forex Training is what makes me an Experienced Forex Trader. I am also a Penny Stocks Trader with the same dedication. The Training is the most important part of my Trading Practice.
Forex is the Marketplace that newbie traders explore at the beginning, losing money for the most of the case. This happens because they think that it is possible to earn a lot of money without any specific Forex Training.
Many Newbie Traders contact me asking for Trading Signals. My answer is always NO. They don’t need to get Trading Signals. They need of an appropriate Forex Training.
I don’t give and I don’t sell Trading Signals that are Pure Trash. I help my Profiting.Me students to become self-sufficient and profitable for the long-term.
Trading Signals are a Strategy that Fails
When newbie traders Buy Trading Signals the most common experience is to lose money. People contact me telling that they have lost a big amount of money by Trading Signals.
Recently a Forex Trader told me that he has lost over $40000 by Trading Signals. This is something crazy for me. I don’t know why people persist in the following of Trading Signals even when they are losing money progressively.
Trading Signals are a Failure and they cannot be and Never will be a substitute for the Forex Training.
Read also: How to burn the Account in a bad way by Free Live Forex Signals
The most of the people who contact me for Trading Signals even don’t ask for an Educational Forex Training. They are so lazy to don’t want to study.
They don’t look for a mentor, they want a lazy way to earn money.
Lazy Traders are the most ardent Lovers of Trading Signals. In the same time they are also the Best Trading Losers.
Lazy Traders Never will be Successful.
They want Trading Signals because they think that it is the right way to earn money quickly and easily. What else could be more wrong than this in trading?!
Trading Signals Never will be a Forex Training
The most of the people who sells Signals usually give away Indications for trades that pay a low reward. What I think is that risk a trade for a few pips of profit is not the way to earn.
A reward of 50 pips is Nothing on Forex. They even are nothing compared with a Trading Plan from a trained mind.
There are many Forex Trading Strategies. I don’t care about them. What I care is to take a large reward with the lowest risk possible.
I sell at the best retail price and I buy at the best wholesale price that the market offers.
Talking about Trading Signals on Stocks for Day Trading, they are almost in real-time. This means that by Trading Signals, the most of the people Buy or Short too late, taking a large risk.
Trading Signals could be able to pump (or dumb) low-priced stocks with a low volume of negotiation. This happens mostly because people run to Buy (or short) the stock ticker frantically. So, it is normal that people lose money in many cases.
Laziness is the Enemy of the Trader
My Multimillionaire Mentors repeat continually that Trading Signals are not for Trading but only for Educational Purpose. The problem is that people in any chat, forum or mailing list run to buy or sell following these signals. Or they run to set orders suggested by signals, without think.
The Worst Enemy of the Trader is the Laziness.
Trading Signals feed the Laziness of the Loser Traders.
Who sells Signals usually shows a successful signal rate of 75%-85% more or less. These people are just taking advantages from laziness and ingenuity of newbies. Then, they are taking money giving trash and risk that never will make a good trader.
They could be scammers or good traders. In the most of the cases, they are babies that sell signals. Instead, if they are good traders what can work for them don’t work for newbies. This happens because who buys their signals could not have the right skills.
Forex Training shows the right way to earn
Trading Signals never will make you rich, because they give to you Nothing.
If you want to become a Successful Trader, you MUST Study with Dedication. There is NO other way.
Forex is the easiest market to invest, where everybody can earn money properly.
You need to focus on your Forex Training, if you want to become a Forex Trader.
This means that you MUST study for the long-term, following a Learning Process.
The best way is to find a Mentor. Study with a mentor is the right way to accelerate the learning process. The Mentor is the resource who makes you avoid to do all the common mistakes that affect every new trader.
When you study from a mentor never forget that:
- You MUST listen to him.
- Take notes of what he says.
- Learn from what he does by the repetition.
- Attend to his Q&A Webinars, Live Trading Webinars, Educational Webinars and more.
- Study every Video Lesson and every Course more and more.
Be aware that watch a video or follow a course is not enough to become a profitable Trader.
Trading is a business that requires a lot of dedication for the long-term. Your Forex Training needs your full attention.
The Secret of Success in Trading is the Repetition… Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat and still repeat.
What the Education demands to you
My Multimillionaire Mentors saved my life. I studied every new Video Lesson 3 times. Every webinar was tedious so as very long. 3-4 webinars per week. I watched all of them, every night, until the “collapse of my mind”.
I took notes for every teaching, for every tip, for every rule and for every relevant word and sentence.
For Hours, hours and still hours I watched and Studied all the Courses.
Definitely, the Stocks Training so as the Forex Training are a Learning Process that take a very long-term.
Your Education demands extreme sacrifices to you. But what you get in return is Priceless.
But all these things to study passively are just the beginning because the Success comes from the REPETITION.
The repetitive application of rules in the daily activity, with daily tips from your Mentor, are the real Learning Process.
If you are not an active Trading Student, you get nothing.
This is why it is not enough to pay the tuition for a few months. 3 months don’t help anybody. 1 year is just the beginning. Maybe after the first year, we stop to watch the long webinars.
But the real success comes becoming self-sufficient and profitable for the long-term, going over the first year.
If you don’t study with Dedication, you are out of the Learning Process. This is why laziness doesn’t make you rich.
Trading Signals are Trash. Forex Training so as Stocks Training and more are what you really need.
I worked some years for an Israeli Broker. The Regulators, especially the UK FCA regulator, don’t let brokers influence traders. A broker cannot tell where to invest and how to invest. A broker cannot give Trading Signals and this is good.
If you think to earn money by trading without studying and without sacrifice, don’t Join on Profiting.Me.
Every year I invest thousands of dollars in my education to move forward. I define a budget that every year is bigger. This budget comes from the yearly earnings by trading. I invest in my personal Education, focused on a set of specific interests.
When I find a Mentor, I dedicate years of my Trading Career to him. Because I know the value that I get listening to him.
My Forex Training was the first thing I invested. But I invested also in Real Estate Training, Penny Stocks Training, Venture Capital, Business Management and much more.
Trust me when I say that Forex is really the easiest market to invest. But only for who really wants to learn and understand how and why it is so.
I recognize immediately a Lazy Student, especially who is looking for shortcut and Trading Signals.
I don’t waste my time with who has any willing to improve.
The only way to succeed in Trading is by Studying with Dedication for the long-term, going over any loss. All the rest is only Chatting.
Many People wants money, but they don’t want to study, don’t want to sacrifice, don’t want to work hard. I recommend to these people to Look for another job because Trading is not the right job for them.
Those Students which have really dedication and determination to improve in this business have my full attention on Profiting.Me.
Shawn says
Hi, Girolamo. Great post! Any tips on finding a great mentor? I’ve been reading o line, books, and watching YouTube videos. I feel that a lot of the information is vague or even contradicting. Any tips is greatly appreciated.
Girolamo Aloe says
Hi. The contradiction exists because people make trading in a moltitudine of ways. So as they have different experiences. Somebody fails, others instead get success. What is important is what worked for us. Then we make trading repeating continually what really paid us well. So, you learn what really works for a mentor. Then you get what makes him successful. Mentors can be different.
You ask for tips: simplest things pay the highest rewards. That’s what work for me very well.
In any way you try to be a trader you need to study with commitment and dedication for the long term. This business demands a persistent work and determination. There is no way to escape from this. There is no shortcut. I am a Mentor for the students of Profiting.Me.
Be a dedicated and persistent student for a long term and money will come. I have got the best insisting and persisting for years, being dedicated and determinated. I had a reason to succeed that pushed me forward year by year. Then I succeeded and I’m always grateful for every profit I earn by trading.
I hope this can help.