Education is the focus of every Trader who takes seriously his Forex Trading Training. Studying with dedication day by day, everybody will realize that he is becoming profitable consistently so as constantly.
The Education repays the Trader for his dedication, hard work and sacrifice.
There is NO shortcut for the Retail Trader. Nobody can earn money without sacrifice. The Trader must study.
Forex Trading Training and Financial Freedom
In a world that runs faster than ever, everybody struggles to find his place in the Job Market. The competition is extreme and there are highly specialized and limited job offers. A condition where people are perpetually suffering begging for a job is a trap.
Forex Trading, Stocks Trading, ETF Trading, Mutual Fund Trading are the best marketplace where to build a Financial Freedom. They are a chance to stay away from damages, sufferance, and loneliness that people experience because of money and job frustration.
The Financial Freedom, that everybody chases, doesn’t come from the Salary.
Profiting.Me takes care of the Forex Trading Training of some ambitious Trading students. Some of them started with nothing. Others instead have many resources.
Only those students with the right patience and the strong determination will be successful, going over every loss.
Pursuing the Financial Freedom

The pursuing of the Financial Freedom starts with the Educational Process that everybody chooses.
The famous said of Frank Clark: “the more you learn, the more you earn.” is a concrete truth.
Invest in our Education gives really consistent benefits. The thousand of thousands of money we invest in our education return multiplied.
Every year I define a budget for my personal education that becomes bigger year by year. I look for mentors which can really help me to move forward one step more.
I invested thousands of Dollars in my Forex Trading Training. But I invest much more in my Penny Stocks Trading Training.
Forex is the easiest market where to invest. It is the most liquid so as the first market where every new trader approaches at the beginning.
Every new Trader should choice with care the mentors to follow and invest in studying their Forex Trading Training.
The Education is the boat that carries ourselves and our ideas to the Success.
Trading Signals are the Best way to Lose Money
Only a Little number of newbie Traders will be successful. This happens because the most of them have not patience, dedication nor willing to go forward. They even don’t try to understand what their mentors repeat them day by day. They want to become rich without commitment, effort or sacrifice, maybe also sleeping dreaming about the money to earn.
The worst case is that Newbie Trader who looks for Trading Signals. He follows the illusion, considering Trading Signals like the “Fantastic Ship” that gives the Financial Freedom. Instead, he will experience how to burn the account following all these people who sell Trading Signals.
These Fraudulent Traders which give signals for money are so many as a global army.
My Multimillionaire Mentors used to repeat always that Trading Signals should Never be used with a Trading Purpose. They can only have an Educational Purpose. But people don’t understand and don’t listen to their mentors.
They want signals and they want them with arrogance. So, Trading Signals pump them. They go to buy or sell so as realize the profit too late and also without thinking. Then, they take extreme risks and lose money for the most of the times.
In this case, lose money is a choose and nobody can do nothing if they don’t want to change.
Dedicated students will be Successful

Those few Traders which stay down with the head, working hard, have good chances to succeed. They try to understand what to do, they try to learn from the successful cases and from their mistakes.
They listen to their mentors and take note of their teachings.
These Trades take this business seriously and their Forex Trading Training is for them the best way to go forward.
They don’t lose time and they undertake to make a good job. They know that the money invested for their Education will give them a large reward.
The determination is fundamental in the learning process. But the most important thing is the reason behind the commitment and the hard work:
- Many of them are experiencing a difficult moment in life. So, these students have a concrete reason to overcome the difficulties and humiliations they are experiencing. They really work hard to improve and become profitable constantly so as consistently for the long-term. They know what it means for them and then they do it. These Students will be Successful because they want it badly.
- Other Traders instead are really passionate about this business. Passion about Trading and Money make them set Goals to reach, improving time by time. So these students have the Passion for guiding their effort and sacrifice. They will follow their feelings pursuing their Goals and they will Succeed because they want it.
These students feel a deep Gratitude for their work so as for the results they are now able to reach.
Rewarding the Excellence
I appreciate the Effort and the Dedication that some Profiting.Me Students put in their Forex Trading Training.

What makes me happy is how my dedicated students improve from my experience. They use what I share with them, the tips and the Educational contents, to make their trading something better.
Every Trader has his Trading Practice. They don’t have to make trading like me. Instead, they have to use my experience to improve their Trading Practice, finding their way to Succeed.
I reward the Excellence. The excellent students get my best effort and commitment to make them self-sufficient to earn money for the long-term. These dedicated Students get my full attention.
I DON’T reward the Laziness. Lazy students never will be Successful and they stand to lose as much as they are lazy. I don’t waste my time with who has no intention to succeed or with who is looking for Trading Signals. I definitely don’t take care of who is looking for shortcuts to make money.
My Time is precious. It is my real commodity.
ONLY the Best Students of Profiting.Me can have my time.
You must realize that nobody believes in you when you are still not able to make Money. This is the Truth.
When you have nothing, other people try to make bad things on you. It doesn’t matter if you have been rich or poor. This happens always and it has an impact on your life that probably will last years.
People will despise you, they will fight you and then they will hurt you. Only you can say STOP, only you can WIN.
If you think that this never happens, it means that you have never experienced real Financial Problems.
Instead, who felt fear, terror, loneliness and the abandon because of the money, he knows what it means.
The Financial Freedom starts just from your Education.
It is not important if you want to sell peanuts or invest in a new IPO. You must find your way to start.
If the only way to redeem your life is Trading, pay your mentor for his Forex Trading Training. This will put you in the right direction to become self-sufficient and earn the money you deserve. Everybody needs a mentor.
My Trader Lifestyle and my Mentors made the Trader and the Person I am Today.
Every Dollar I spent in my Education rewarded me in a way I never expected.
Only you can stand up and go forward keeping your focus on what you must do to change your life. ONLY YOU!
Don’t let people make things to devastate your mind and your life. Although you could experience weakness and sufferance in this moment, get up and change your life.
GET UP AND DO IT… Because you deserve the best.
YOU are the Sun of your Life, then YOU MUST Shine.
Berita Ekonomi Asia says
fundamental is important wereas technical is useless
Girolamo Aloe says
Hi, everything is important according to what you have to do.
On Forex,
– if you trade for 50 pips of profit by the NFP, you are riding the Catalyst.
– if you trade for 1000 pips of profit, the NFP doesn’t change the market behavior and it doesn’t affect your trading plan.
The price is moved by the Market Makers. Institutional Investors rule the market. The Catalysts on Forex can only favor the Market Makers plan, converging the price back where they are waiting for the execution of their orders. They define the market behavior.
I don’t risk a trade for 50 pips of profit. NEVER!